Results for 'Maureen J. Murray'

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  1.  23
    A Respectful Reply to Gottlieb and Lasser.Maureen J. Murray & William E. Smythe - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (2):195-199.
    In this brief note, we respond to Gottlieb and Lasser's critical commentary on our work on narrative research ethics. We argue that their concern for privileging voices needs to be balanced against the risk of exploiting some research participants, that conflicts of interest are best resolved through appropriately prioritizing ethical principles and in consultation with others, and that the researcher's ability to protect participants from harm can be enhanced through appropriate clinical training and access to clinical expertise. We welcome Gottlieb (...)
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  2. Owning the Story: Ethical Considerations in Narrative Research.Maureen J. Murray & William E. Smythe - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (4):311-336.
    This article argues that traditional, regulative principles of research ethics offer insufficient guidance for research in the narrative study of lives. These principles presuppose an implicit epistemology that conceives of research participants as data sources, a conception that is argued not tenable for narrative research. The case is made by drawing on recent discussions of research ethics in the qualitative and narrative research literature. This article shows that narrative ethics is inextricably entwined with epistemological issues--namely, issues of narrative ownership and (...)
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    Parents’ attitudes toward consent and data sharing in biobanks: A multisite experimental survey.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, Kyle B. Brothers, John A. Myers, Yana B. Feygin, Sharon A. Aufox, Murray H. Brilliant, Pat Conway, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nanibaa’ A. Garrison, Carol R. Horowitz, Gail P. Jarvik, Rongling Li, Evette J. Ludman, Catherine A. McCarty, Jennifer B. McCormick, Nathaniel D. Mercaldo, Melanie F. Myers, Saskia C. Sanderson, Martha J. Shrubsole, Jonathan S. Schildcrout, Janet L. Williams, Maureen E. Smith, Ellen Wright Clayton & Ingrid A. Holm - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):128-142.
    Background: The factors influencing parents’ willingness to enroll their children in biobanks are poorly understood. This study sought to assess parents’ willingness to enroll their children, and their perceived benefits, concerns, and information needs under different consent and data-sharing scenarios, and to identify factors associated with willingness. Methods: This large, experimental survey of patients at the 11 eMERGE Network sites used a disproportionate stratified sampling scheme to enrich the sample with historically underrepresented groups. Participants were randomized to receive one of (...)
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  4. The War on Malnutrition and Poverty.J. Murray Luck - unknown
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  5. Leibniz's Metaphysics: Its Origins and Development.Michael J. Murray - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (2):270-273.
    Late in his life Leibniz famously recounted his philosophical conversion, at the young age of fifteen, from scholasticism to mechanism. Most Leibniz scholars have accepted Leibniz’s claim in this regard and have read his early works in philosophy and physics as various attempts to work out some variant of the mechanist position. However, Leibniz also makes it clear that he later came to realize the inadequacy of mechanism and, most would argue, this realization led him to reintroduce substantial form into (...)
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    The science of history.J. Murray MacDonald - 1885 - Mind 10 (39):363-376.
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    III. —The science of history.J. Murray Macdonald - 1885 - Mind (39):363-376.
  8. Alterity in Hegel.J. Murray Murdoch - 2002 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    Levinas and other contemporary thinkers have claimed that the philosophy of "the other" provides a devastating critique of systematic rationality as such and of Hegel as a paradigm case thereof.The critique links an ethical moment and socio-political issues to a thorough-going critique of Hegelian metaphysics and the dialectical method. I articulate the meaning of alterity as a critique of Hegel through Levinas and Marx, and then discuss possible Hegelian responses to this criticism. I conclude that this critique of Hegel pertains (...)
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    Deconstruction as Darstellung.J. Murray Murdoch - 2007 - Idealistic Studies 37 (1):29-42.
    Derrida is typically taken to be the thinker most antithetical to Hegel, and deconstruction to be the philosophical antithesis to Hegel’s systematic rationality. While I do not dispute the accuracy of this perception, I argue in this paper that it does not offer an adequate or a complete picture. Specifically, much about Derrida and about deconstruction is more similar to Hegel than is typically realized. I argue that Derrida’s deconstruction shares a great affinity to the method of Hegel’s Phenomenology of (...)
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    Enhancement of items and associations.M. J. Peterson & A. Murray - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):82.
  11.  88
    Should Doctors strike?John J. Park & Scott A. Murray - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):341-342.
    Last year in June, British doctors went on strike for the first time since 1975. Amidst a global economic downturn and with many health systems struggling with reduced finances, around the world the issue of public health workers going on strike is a very real one. Almost all doctors will agree that we should always follow the law, but often the law is unclear or does not cover a particular case. Here we must appeal to ethical discussion. The General Medical (...)
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    Capital as Organic Unity. [REVIEW]J. Murray Murdoch - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 37 (2):196-199.
    In Capital as Organic Unity, Mark E. Meaney argues “that the doctrinal content of Marx’s Grundrisse is indebted for its logical form to Hegel’s exposition of logical categories as found in the Wissenschaft der Logik”. Meaney builds upon an important work by Hiroshi Uchida which had already explored Marx’s debt in the Grundrisse to Hegel’s Logic. But beyond Uchida’s claims, Meaney maps the entire structure of the Grundrisse onto the parallel movements of Hegel’s larger Science of Logic. Meany’s text contains (...)
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    The role of the grain boundary in the elevated temperature fracture behaviour of magnesia.A. J. Mountvala & G. T. Murray - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (123):441-452.
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    Ethical issues in tissue banking for research: The prospects and pitfalls of setting international standards.Karen J. Maschke & Thomas H. Murray - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (2):143-155.
    Bauer, Taub, and Parsi's review of an international sample of standards on informed consent, confidentiality, commercialization, and quality of research in tissue banking reveals that no clear national or international consensus exists for these issues. The authors' response to the lack of uniformity in the meaning, scope, and ethical significance of the policies they examined is to call for the creation of uniform ethical guidelines. This raises questions about whether harmonization should consist of voluntary international standards or international regulations that (...)
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  15. Attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide among physicians in Vermont.A. Craig, B. Cronin, W. Eward, J. Metz, L. Murray, G. Rose, E. Suess & M. E. Vergara - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (7):400-403.
    Background: Legislation on physician-assisted suicide is being considered in a number of states since the passage of the Oregon Death With Dignity Act in 1994. Opinion assessment surveys have historically assessed particular subsets of physicians.Objective: To determine variables predictive of physicians’ opinions on PAS in a rural state, Vermont, USA.Design: Cross-sectional mailing survey.Participants: 1052 physicians licensed by the state of Vermont.Results: Of the respondents, 38.2% believed PAS should be legalised, 16.0% believed it should be prohibited and 26.0% believed it should (...)
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    Foucault's.Thomas J. Papadimos & Stuart J. Murray - 2008 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3:12.
    In his six 1983 lectures published under the title, Fearless Speech (2001), Michel Foucault developed the theme of free speech and its relation to frankness, truth-telling, criticism, and duty. Derived from the ancient Greek word parrhesia, Foucault's analysis of free speech is relevant to the mentoring of medical students. This is especially true given the educational and social need to transform future physicians into able citizens who practice a fearless freedom of expression on behalf of their patients, the public, the (...)
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    Heart in art: cardiovascular diseases in novels, films, and paintings.Martin J. Schalij, Michael Murray, Alexander D. Hilt, Barend W. Florijn, Pim B. van der Meer & Ad A. Kaptein - 2020 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 15 (1):2.
    BackgroundUnderstanding representations of disease in various art genres provides insights into how patients and health care providers view the diseases. It can also be used to enhance patient care and stimulate patient self-management.MethodsThis paper reviews how cardiovascular diseases are represented in novels, films, and paintings: myocardial infarction, aneurysm, hypertension, stroke, heart transplantation, Marfan’s disease, congestive heart failure. Various search systems and definitions were used to help identify sources of representations of different cardiovascular diseases. The representations of the different diseases were (...)
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  18. Bayesian chance.William Harper, Sheldon J. Chow & Gemma Murray - 2012 - Synthese 186 (2):447-474.
    This paper explores how the Bayesian program benefits from allowing for objective chance as well as subjective degree of belief. It applies David Lewis’s Principal Principle and David Christensen’s principle of informed preference to defend Howard Raiffa’s appeal to preferences between reference lotteries and scaling lotteries to represent degrees of belief. It goes on to outline the role of objective lotteries in an application of rationality axioms equivalent to the existence of a utility assignment to represent preferences in Savage’s famous (...)
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  19.  35
    Free recall of sentences as a function of imagery and predictability.P. J. Holmes & D. J. Murray - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (4):748.
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    Observations on the domain structures of V6C5.R. H. J. Hannink, M. J. Murray & M. E. Packer - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (191):1179-1195.
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    Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lectureship.Joseph Barcroft, E. W. Birmingham, Max Born, R. B. Braithwaite, W. Maude Brayshaw, G. A. Chase, Henry Dale, Howard Diamond, Herbert Dingle, Winifred Eddington, Wilson Harris, G. B. Jeffery, Martin Johnson, Rufus M. Jones, Harold Spencer Jones, Kathleen Lonsdale, E. J. Maskell, A. Victor Murray, C. E. Raven, F. J. M. Stratton, Hilda Sturge, W. H. Thorpe, Henry T. Tizard, G. M. Trevelyan, Elsie Watchorn, A. N. Whitehead, Edmund T. Whittaker, Alex Wood & H. G. Wood - 1946 - Philosophy 21 (80):287-.
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  22. How Drugs Get to the Market.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  23. The State of Play on Living Wills.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  24. The Cases Philosophers Have Dreamt Of.Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Jaime Bishop, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  25.  72
    Incident at Airport X: Quarantine Law and Limits.Susan M. Allan, Barret W. S. Lane, James J. Misrahi, Richard S. Murray, Grace R. Schuyler, Jason Thomas & Myles V. Lynk - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S4):117-117.
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    Modelling the spatial patterning of teeth primordia in the alligator.P. M. Kulesa, G. C. Cruywagen, S. R. Lubkin, M. W. J. Ferguson & J. D. Murray - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (2):153-164.
    We propose a model mechanism for the initiation and spatial positioning of teeth primordia in the alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. Detailed embryological studies by Westergaard and Ferguson have shown that jaw growth plays a crucial role in the developmental patterning of the tooth initiation process. Based on biological data we develop a dynamic patterning mechanism, which crucially includes domain growth. The mechanism can reproduce the spatial pattern development of the first seven teeth primordia in each half jaw of A. mississippiensis. The (...)
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    How to Think about Stemming an Insurgency.Gregory E. Kaebnick, Eric F. Trump, Nora Porter, Joyce Griffin, Bruce Jennings, Karen J. Maschke, Thomas H. Murray & Erik Parens - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Wanted: Professional research subjects; rewards commensurate with risks.Maureen Rist & William J. Mohan - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (6):28-28.
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    Pragmatic and positivistic analyses of kinship terminology.Murray J. Leaf - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (5):390-391.
    Jones' article suggests that the anthropological analysis of kinship has followed a single line of development based on a single underlying conception of meaning and method. In fact, there have been two opposed lines of development. Jones' conception is positivistic. The other is pragmatic. Pragmatic theory is superior on every recognized criterion. This briefly describes the differences.
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  30. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians.Murray J. Harris - 2005
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    Big bangs in perception: The most often cited authors and publications.Murray J. White - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (6):458-461.
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    Some procedural obscurities in Peters and Ceci's peer-review study.Murray J. White - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):241-241.
  33.  33
    Hierarchy and scope of planning in subject–verb agreement production.Maureen Gillespie & Neal J. Pearlmutter - 2011 - Cognition 118 (3):377-397.
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    Spatial reversal learning in rats and gerbils.Maureen A. Carey & Gloria J. Fischer - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (3):173-174.
  35.  19
    Reconstructing the diatessaron.S. J. Robert Murray - 1969 - Heythrop Journal 10 (1):43–49.
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    Effects of spacing on same-different judgments to simple outline forms.Murray J. White & Dianne E. Green - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (1):70-72.
  37.  34
    (1 other version)Rechtswelt und Ästhetik.R. J. K. Murray - 1953 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 7 (3):464-466.
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    Endo‐exonucleases: Enzymes involved in DNA repair and cell death?Murray J. Fraser - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (10):761-766.
    Endo‐exonucleases from E. coli to man, although very different proteins, are multifunctional enzymes with similar enzymatic activities. They probably have two common but opposing biological roles. On the one hand, they promote survival of the organism by acting in recombination and recombinational DNA repair to diversify and help preserve the genome intact. On the other hand, they degrade the genomic DNA when it is damaged beyond repair. This ensures elimination of heavily mutagenized cells from the population.
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    An Analysis of Society.R. J. K. Murray - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):146 - 153.
    “A society is more than a set of entities to which the same class-name applies” . Taking this obiter dictum of Whitehead's seriously, the present paper seeks to elucidate some of the more abstract properties of a society. By “society” I understand primarily human society in the sense in which it is an object of study for social theory, though part of what is said may admit of application to societies in some wider sense. An apology should perhaps be offered (...)
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    The Nāṭakalakṣaṇaratnakośa of Sāgaranandin, a Thirteenth-Century Treatise on the Hindu TheaterThe Natakalaksanaratnakosa of Sagaranandin, a Thirteenth-Century Treatise on the Hindu Theater.J. Gonda, Myles Dillon, Murray Fowler & V. Raghavan - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):236.
  41. Forward inferences about specific events during reading.J. D. Murray, C. M. Klin & J. L. Myers - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):506-506.
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    Yoga: Immortality and FreedomDer Yoga: Ein indischer Weg zum Selbst.Murray Fowler, Mircea Eliade & J. W. Hauer - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):229.
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    Signal-detection analysis of laterality differences: Some preliminary data, free of recall and report-sequence characteristics.Murray J. White - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (1p1):174.
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    The Suicidal State: In Advance of an American Requiem.Stuart J. Murray - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (3):299-305.
    ABSTRACT Written in late March 2020 in the early days of the U.S. coronavirus outbreak, this essay represents a contingent reflection on the American pandemic response, mourning in anticipation of what would soon surely unfold. I argue that the State's long-standing sacrificial economies have in this moment culminated in a suicidal State. The term is Foucault's, appearing in a controversial lecture on biopolitics, Nazism, and “biological racism.” Despite Foucault's problematic treatment of racism, I suggest that some aspects of this discourse (...)
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    Is the Holocaust Vanishing?: A Survivor's Reflections on the Academic Waning of Memory and Jewish Identity in the Post-Auschwitz Era.Murray J. Kohn - 2005 - Hamilton Books.
    Is the Holocaust Vanishing? explores the ramifications of the passing of survivors for Holocaust studies, the removal of the Jew from Holocaust studies, and what all of this means for Jewish identity after the Holocaust. The book consists of years of reflection and wrestling with these issues on the part of a man who is a Holocaust survivor, a rabbi, and a professor of Holocaust studies.
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.Michael J. Murray & Michael C. Rea - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael C. Rea.
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion provides a broad overview of the topics which are at the forefront of discussion in contemporary philosophy of religion. Prominent views and arguments from both historical and contemporary authors are discussed and analyzed. The book treats all of the central topics in the field, including the coherence of the divine attributes, theistic and atheistic arguments, faith and reason, religion and ethics, miracles, human freedom and divine providence, science and religion, and immortality. In addition (...)
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  47.  15
    Maurice bévenot, Scholar and ecumenist (1897–1980).S. J. Robert Murray - 1982 - Heythrop Journal 23 (1):1–17.
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    Dissertation on Predestination and Grace.Michael J. Murray (ed.) - 2011 - Yale University Press.
    In this book G. W. Leibniz presents not only his reflections on predestination and election but also a more detailed account of the problem of evil than is found in any of his other works apart from the _Theodicy_. Surprisingly, his _Dissertation on Predestination and Grace_ has never before been published in any form. Michael J. Murray's project of translating, editing, and providing commentary for the volume will therefore attract great interest among scholars and students of Leibniz's philosophy and (...)
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    Job After Auschwitz.Murray J. Haar - 1999 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 53 (3):265-275.
    More than any other book of the Bible, Job lends itself to addressing the theological implications of the Holocaust. As the biblical Job called God to account for his own suffering, so God—and we—must be called to account for the victims of the Holocaust.
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  50. Science and Religion in Dialogue.Michael J. Murray - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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